COVID-19 Coronavirus Service Update
Remote business support as usual
As a provider of access control and visitor management services we want to reassure clients that we continue to provide business hours support services as usual, over the telephone and via remote access tools.
Where essential, we are also supporting on-site maintenance, prioritising clients helping to fight COVID-19, including the NHS.
Our focus is on maintaining service at a time when building and site access is more important than ever. While some of our clients have closed offices and are working from home, all have a need to revise access control rights, tighten visitor criteria to buildings which remain open, and track movement of people across their sites.
Access Control security update
For Access Control customers who have closed offices, or have greatly reduced site access, please note you should be implementing your usual security and door lock procedures, which will be insurance compliant – which will include deadlocks. You should not be relying on access control maglock doors as your first line of security.
Enhanced controls and procedures
There are many Semieta Access and Semieta Visitor features to help you proactively manage your response to Coronavirus and protect staff and visitors. Whether you need to tighten access criteria and authorisations, or communicate new site health and safety procedures and rules, Semieta can help:
Vetting visitors inc pre-screening and self-screening
‘Agreement’ to Coronavirus screening questions
Revised alerts
Barring visitors, contractors and companies
Redefine access areas and criteria (including active management of this by AccessIT if required)
Contact tracking and Audit of visitors, visits and hosts
Pre visit instructions and inductions
Registered addresses and links to high risk countries
New badge designs featuring COVID-19 relevant guidance and information
Contact us
While we know you have other priorities and many well be working under Business Continuity Planning guides now, please know we are here to help you get the most out of Semieta Visitor and Semieta Access.
To build more COVID-19 resilience into your processes, contact us here or call us on 01442 828143.